3 Days Intense Workshop
Wealth &

Reiki, the cosmic energy is a boon to mankind. In short, a path way to good health, joy, peace, happiness and harmony within and around. Therefore, the Reiki Intensive workshop has been designed to help the person to channelize higher level of Reiki energy.

It is a three days intense workshop after which a person finds himself released from negative emotions, toxins, aches and pains and negativity they are being disturbed with. It works on the deeper level of purification leading the person to the positive side of his existence or life. During the workshop we go through certain transformation techniques which brings about a total transformation within us, leading us to high awareness and upliftment on our physical, mental and emotional level as well as on the spiritual level too.

Reiki Intensive workshop can be compared to an icing on the cake.




Healing on Intense level

Feel Transformation

Experience Joy

Manifest Intensions